Sunday 8 July 2007

Live Earth & The Skids!!!

Didn't watch a huge lot of Live Earth but I did see The Foo Fighters and they were awesome I really have to make the effort to see this band one day!

Recorded the concert through the night and it was pretty dire apart from Roger Waters "Another Brick In The Wall" and The Police, well until Kayne West joined them on stage and ruined "Message In A Bottle" one of my favourites!

Back in my school days The Skids were the band that always got the floor full at School Disco's 15 year old lads throwing there arms and bodys around trying to be Richard Jobson. The Skids reformed for two shows only and I saw them on the T In The Park broadcast all of a sudden I wanted to throw myself around as I did when I was 15 trouble is like Richard Jobson I'm slightly (?) older these days. Just wish they would do a full tour now but it looks highly unlikely. Anyway if you are reading this and wondering what the hell I'm going on about there is some video at the link below.

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